Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Big Boobs and Periods.

If your breasts become fuller before and during your period, you need a bigger cup
You’ve been blessed with some fantastic boobs and most of the time you can keep them under control but then once a month they take on a life of their own! For lots of women the arrival of their period can take their boobs from big to huge. I’ve got some physical and emotional tips to get you through this tricky part of the month.

If you experience this kind of bulging you need to wear a bigger cup during your period

Some women don’t experience any breast changes before or during their period, but for those who do your swelling is caused by water retention. This water retention is a side-effect of your body releasing extra oestrogen and progesterone hormones. The milk glands and ducts enlarge which means there’s some extra space for your body to store water – so it does. Your bra size can change by a whole cup size during this time. Considering that the swelling can cause your boobs to feel painful, tender or lumpy it’s a good idea to have bigger bras available for your period days.

Wearing a bra with full coverage during your period will keep you more comfortable

You don’t need to buy lots of extras bras for the few days when your breasts swell but one or two “period-sized” bras can make your life so much more comfortable. Wired bras are totally fine during your period, as long as they’re the right size – wires from ill-fitting bras poking into soft breast tissue is always harmful so make sure you know your size.

Just three minutes of gentle stretching or exercising can lessen period pain.

There are lots of things you can do to lessen the impact of your period, but I have three top favourites.

1) Gentle exercise (like stretching or yoga) helps to work out the cramps and distract the mind from the pain.

2) Heat helps to sooth cramping so keep a magic bean heat bag on hand that you can sling in the microwave then lie across your tummy or back.

3) Your blood can get thicker during your period, so to make life easier pour yourself a glass of wine because alcohol thins the blood!

So grab yourself a comfortable correctly fitting bra and a glass of wine and get through your time of the month with a bit more ease! xx


  1. I used to get really bad pain then my doctor told me to do gentle stretching exercises and it was a huge help. I'm going to add a glass of red wine into that routine now!

  2. Hey Amanda - a glass of wine can be your reward for taking care of yourself! Thanks for posting :) xx

  3. Great photos. Wonderful job, and i like the fact that you used normal women to promote the bras as opposed to the usual stick women. congrats to all 3 of you for your hard work!

  4. I totally missed your comment Amy, sorry! Thank you for noticing that we use naturally curvy women in our shoots. We're so lucky to have a great team at Butterfly. xx

  5. I have found Omega 3 supplements to really help too. Also, being on a low carb/high fat eating regime has made a big difference.

    1. That's a great tip TracyKM, thank you. I rely on heat packs and comfy bras one cup size bigger for a couple of days. xx

  6. I am so glad it isn't just me x

  7. Thanks for the reminder... I do have a couple of period bras, although I never really realized that's what they were... As for full coverage, an absolute must for me during that time of the month!
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for commenting DOJ. The support of a good period bra can make life SO much easier :) xx
