
Monday, March 25, 2013

A Manifesto for Busty Women

When Mr Butterfly and I started Butterfly Collection we simply wanted to make it easier for busty Canadian and American women to find bras that fit them correctly. I couldn't have imagined that our purpose would grow into something so much more meaningful and diverse.

I want to share with you the things that I have learned about busty women since we began (despite being one for 20 years!) This is our busty manifesto; the things we stand for and strive for every day.
  1. Every woman deserves to be fitted for a bra with dignity. No body shaming, no bullying and no discrimination.
  2. Every woman deserves to have access to bra knowledge and expertise no matter where she lives. 
  3. The size of your breasts does NOT dictate your personality. What other people assume about you based on your breasts says a lot about their personality.
  4. In the right bra you are more confident, comfortable, able to play sports and dress without hiding.
  5. Bra knowledge liberates you and puts you in harmony with your breasts.
  6. Each woman's definition of beautiful, sexy and comfortable is different and she should have the bras that are right for her life and her definitions.
  7. We have to break the cycle of pointless and cowardly breast shaming by the media, family and peers.
  8. When you stop hating and hiding your body you realize how much more you and your body can do.
  9. We foster self-esteem because it is fundamentally linked to bra fit for busty women.
  10. No busty woman ever has to feel alone - she is part of a beautiful, passionate and powerful community.
My hope is that eventually every woman will feel and live these things. There are still thousands of busty women who struggle to feel physically and emotionally comfortable with their breasts and each one we, as a community, can help and support is another step closer to breaking the cycle of pain and shame. I know that as our community of confident and knowledgeable busty women grows we are creating a new bra and breast culture for our daughters to grow up in. Thank you for being part of this worthwhile mission xx


  1. This is great!

    I would only add that it is true for all women, busty and not so busty. We all deserve to be in a bra that works for us, none of us should be judged by our boobs or lack of, and we should all have access to the best fit information out there, and access to bras of a variety of sizes and styles.

  2. Great post, I recommend all woman read this!
