
Monday, October 8, 2012

What Makes Boobs Real or Fake?

When you're a busty woman you become the target of mindless (and completely unoriginal) comments about your bust. Some strangers, and sometimes friends and family, feel within their rights to whistle, ogle, insult or ridicule your boobs. Developing a thick skin, and ultimately learning to be immensely glad you're not one of these idiotic and sad individuals, gives you the tools to deal with boob-ignorance. One of the most common unwarranted comments thrown at busty women is "fake!" and it's always seemed like such a strange insult to make.

We all know that people are referring to breast implants as fake boobs but the word 'fake' suggests that there's something less relevant, less true about the woman who has implants and this is what really aggravates me because all the women I know with breast implants are incredible and brave women. I personally know several women who have had breast implants and these are the reasons they chose to have breast augmentation:

1) Reconstructed breast/s after single and double mastectomy
2) Evening out size after significant infection and tissue loss in one breast
3) Complete deflation from an F cup to AA after 3 pregnancies
4) One breast significantly larger than the other
5) Did not feel that her A cup breasts were proportionate with her frame, increased to a C cup

These women range in age from 25 to 63 and have all felt happier and more whole after their surgery. I know the journeys these women faced before their surgery and I can tell you that there is nothing fake about the struggles they endured or the bravery of their decision to undergo surgery or the authenticity of their confidence and peace after having their surgery.

It's a complete misnomer that most women who have breast augmentation do so for extroverted, 'porn-star' reasons. The reason breast implants have got this reputation is that we see the extreme cases of breast-augmentation on reality shows, in the news and on tabloid covers. I don't suppose a reality show about '32 year old, insurance broker, Mom of two goes about her busy day with 32C implants' would have the level of gratuity viewers are used to!

Most women who elect to have breast implants do so for deeply personal and emotional reasons. They are women from all walks of life who do not feel entirely in sync with their body and choose to have a procedure that makes them feel better about themselves. I have a hard time seeing this courageous and individual decision as a busty slur you throw at someone walking down the street. Attaching negativity to breast implants is just as ludicrous as attaching negativity to D+ breasts.

I believe that EVERY woman deserves to be treated with respect regardless of her bust size; Boobs do NOT dictate your personality, kindness, morality etc. When it comes to bra shopping there may be some specific fitting requirements for augmented breasts that don't necessarily apply to unaltered breasts so don't be afraid to tell your fitter about your surgery. It should make no difference to your fitter if you have augmented breasts because you are real, your breasts are really yours and you really do need a bra! xx


  1. Thank you for this beautiful post. I hope people everywhere hear this message and take notice.

  2. You are on fire! I've been really loving your blog this week. It's so full of warmth and acceptance and positivity and openness that I'm reminded constantly of why I send my full bust readers your way.

    1. Thank you for such lovely words Cora. I'm so grateful that you send your full bust readers my way and glad you can do so confidently. xx

  3. Couldn't agree with you more! There is also the assumption that women choose implants as a way to "compete" with other women (for men). Nothing could be further from the truth. It is an individual decision, just as those choosing breast reductions, lifts, and other any plastic surgery procedures (none of which are deemed to make a woman "fake"). Thank you for this terrific post!

    1. This is a deeply 'female' choice and we need to support other women in their decisions. Glad you liked the post Elisabeth, thank you for commenting xx

  4. I absolutely love this post. I hope every one of my readers comes here to read this. I get emails quite often asking why there is so much hate against implants. Women write to me before asking for opinions or afterwards because they feel hurt. This post incredibly touching and heartwarming. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. I thought about you a great deal while writing this post (I linked to your post) because you are doing so much to encourage awareness about the reality and diversity of breast surgery. I hope your readers find this post useful xx

  5. This is so encouraging, thanks for sharing. I am 22 and just had a breast augmentation and lift about a month ago. While I've never been happier with the way this decision made me look and feel, I haven't even told my closest friends about this surgery just because of all the judgment I know is there.

    1. I'm so glad that you are feeling happy and healthy Billie. You are not obliged to tell anyone about your decision but I hope this post lets you know that while there will always be ignorance there are many women who know and admire how significant your decision is and we respect that. I hope you can step forward with the rest of your life with renewed confidence, peace and happiness xx

  6. My breasts are real flesh and blood - I just happen to have implants behind them!

  7. Even if someone's implants are just to make them feel more self confidant, who am I to remark negatively on another person's body? Thanks for keeping up the educational posts! I've been learning a ton!

  8. I am new to your blog and must say this blog is really very useful. We are based in India and also offer breast augmentation by your own fat surgery at Chennai.

  9. I stumbled across your website while looking for a specific sports bra online, and found myself fascinated by your blog! You have a way with words - and should seriously consider writing a book! Thank you for providing me with hours of enjoyment. My boss however, is very angry with you! ;)

    1. Thank you for this enormous compliment! Please give my apologies to your boss :) My only excuse is that there is a lot to know about your boobs! I'll have to think about that book.... xx
