
Friday, June 10, 2011

How Social Media is Good for Busty Women

I love the Star in a Bra competition run by UK brand Curvy Kate (they specialize in big cup bras).  It's a huge feat in social media awareness for busty women. Through their social media campaign I got to chat with the 2011 winner, Lizzie Haines on Twitter and was introduced to a fantastic blog Fuller Figure Fuller Bust written by one of the runner ups Georgina Horne. Both women have continued to support Butterfly Collection in our efforts to celebrate curvaceous women which is fantastic. This is when I love social media, when it creates a genuine, albeit virtual, bond.
I get messages every day via our Facebook Page and on Twitter from women who have had such problems finding large cup bras that they’ve come to believe that their bodies are the problem when in fact they need better fitting information and more options from the lingerie industry. This is when social media comes into its own for me and it's the reason I started Butterfly Collection so that busty women have a place they can feel completely accepted and genuinely understood exactly as they are. It doesn’t hurt that I’m huge fan of boobs and talking so if you want to chat about your boobs, I’m your girl!

When social media is used at its best it brings together people who might otherwise think they are the only one and alone. Social media has helped us let many busty women know they don't have to suffer and they are not alone. xx


  1. <3 you guys! Curvy women ftw, every size should be celebrated and flaunted, women are not made with cookie cutters!
    I'm glad you like my blog, means a lot :D xxxxx

  2. Well said! It's all about feeling that your curves are the bomb! BTW You look totally fab in the new Pepperberry range, great pics! xx
