
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Boob Thank You for Mother’s Day

My friends know that I am a big fan of my Mum (fondly referred to by many as “The Sue”) not only do we look and sound very similar; she’s also one of the funniest people I know. If you’re a regular reader then you’ll know that The Sue was a significant figure in my decision to start selling bras for full bust women in Canada. I wanted to give other women the feeling of pride about their curves that my Mum gave me. With the UK Mother’s Day coming up I wanted to share with you some of my favourite Boob Stories as the daughter of a big bosomed legend!

As I’ve talked about before, my first bra shopping trip with my Mum was a distinctly grown up affair where we went into town, just the two of us, and stopped for lunch (like ladies do!) She didn’t rush me and talked about how becoming a woman is a wonderful thing but that being descended from busty Welsh women it was likely I’d grow to need some hefty bras. That being the case I should ALWAYS have the bras that I felt great in. Never scrimp on being well supported and feeling good in your bra – good advice! My Mum introduced me to a fabulous bra fitter, Jill who is still my bra fitter! 

The reality of being big-boobed is that it’s pretty funny at times. On my first date with Mr Butterfly I dropped popcorn down my cleavage and dare not retrieve it until we’d parted ways. I called The Sue to tell her and she said “a lady never flinches when she has trapped food in her cleavage!”  On another occasion I was telling my Mum that I’d reached across the lunch table and knocked a bottle of ketchup over with one rogue boob, she told me it was genetic as she’d reached over the breakfast table to pour out more coffee then leaned back in her chair to find a jam lid stuck to her boob!

I’m very fortunate that I’ve got a 24/7, 365 days a year cheerleader who reminds me that life’s a funny ol’ game and that boobs are worth a chuckle now and again. Keeping a sense of humour about boobs, has helped me to stay happy and confident about my shape. Thank you Mum for all your support, in oh so many ways! Love you xx


  1. I just found you today - from one busty woman to another, thank you.

    My favourite boob funny: After turning around and accidentally whacking a co-worker with my boobs he responded with, "you need a breast management course." Still makes me laugh when I think of it.

  2. Oh Racquel, I am totally using that line! Brilliant!
