
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Making a busty woman feel confident is my success

I think it’s a common condition with women that because we can do so many things we forget to stop and recognize the things we have achieved because we’re always on to the next thing. The Lingerie Goddess, Margaret Shrum (@LingerieGoddess) posted a link yesterday that made me stop and think. A young spoken poet, Sarah Kay, gave an inspiring talk at about accepting what we don’t know and celebrating the fact that “I’m trying my hardest to get it right this time around.” Her talk made me realize that if I don’t stop and recognize that trying my hardest and making a difference step by step is a great thing, then I might miss the whole point of what I’m doing. If you have 20 minutes then I highly recommend watching Sarah's talk.

From the outside it might look like I just sell bras but anyone who has sat through one of my monologues about the importance of bras knows it runs much deeper for me. (By the way, I always give them rum or wine to take the edge off!) So here I am on this mission to help big busted women across Canada feel more beautiful and confident by teaching them about proper fit, style and health. There are times however, that the weight of this endeavour makes me doubt myself.

With all these opportunities I worry that I'm not doing enough. I feel like I should have revolutionized the lives of women across the country, got every H cup Saskatchewan women buying D cup bras from Wal-mart into the perfect bra etc!! I have been reminded that each woman who emails me to say she loves her new bra and feels so much better about herself is a success.
So I hope that you can take five minutes today and appreciate the things you do, the unique woman you are and I’m going to try and do the same! xx

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