
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Face to Face with Panache

Yesterday was a fab day, Mr Butterfly and I got to tour the Panache headquarters. Panache was not only willing to meet with us but really enthusiastic, which was such a great surprise. So many of the big brands are disinterested in us because we're independent and Canadian, but Panache were really interested to find out what's going on with busty Canadian women.

We were met by Panache Product Manager, Claire Heathcote who is obviously as passionate and obsessed with bra health as we are. She gave us a tour of the headquarters where we met the fabulous designers (all women!) of every Panache bra. We then met the sample designers who constantly create mockups (by hand) of the new designs; man are they talented and fast! Panache uses real women as opposed to just mannequins or CGI models to test new styles. They have a test group of 100 women (all different sizes and shapes) to ensure that they put every bra through their paces. Every single person we met was so keen to talk about their products and customer needs.

One of the most exciting things was getting a sneak peak of the 2012 Fall/Winter Collection - all I can say is you won't be disappointed!

We have been asking you to tell us what questions you have for Panache and we were able to ask them all so check out what Panache had to say:

Will Panache start doing 26 bands?
"The next collection we are designing is Spring 2013 and this will be the first trial of 26 bands in select styles in Cleo and maybe Superbra. We know that there is a huge need for 26 bands and we want to get the support absolutely right."
Tango is still Panache's best-selling bra
Can you make narrower set straps for petite women?
"We have several new strap designs, widths and materials coming out in the Autumn 2012 and Spring 2013. These have been coupled with shorter wires so that the bras are shallower under the armpit for petite women. Tango, Ariza and Andora will all have the shorter wires in GG+ sizes."

Why don't the underwear across the brands (Cleo, Superbra and Masquerade) all fit the same?
"The underwear for all brands is being standardized so that you know if you're a large in a Superbra thong, you're also that size in a Cleo thong. This standardization will be complete in the next year."

I really love that Panache is listening to their customers and I personally felt that my questions about the specific needs of Canadians were really taken to heart. My next stop is speaking to the North American Panache team about getting more competitions and deals for Canadian women, I'll keep you posted! I am really excited about expanding our Panache collection and working with such a thoughtful and passionate company. xx

Friday, November 18, 2011

12 Must-Read Boobilicious Blogs

Over the past year something wonderful has begun to grow on the Internet. Busty women all over the world have started to share their experiences about life with big boobs and shopping for bras. I think this is such a great thing for us big busted girls. Not only can you pick up great tips and reviews, these blogs also create a community where you can talk with other women experiencing all the ups and downs of being a D+ cup size. You don't have to feel like you're the only one struggling with gaping tops, boob spillage and riding bands. Here are my Top 12 Big Bra Bloggers: 
Invest In Your Chest blogger Cheryl puts bras through their paces and specializes in 28 backs and sports bra reviews. She models her bras fantastically and was kind enough to interview me back in October so I have extra love for her!
Fuller Figure Fuller Bust is run by the inimitable Georgina who was a runner up in the 2011 Curvy Kate Star in a Bra competition. Her no-nonsense attitude to curves, bras and generally being awesome makes for a compelling read. The Gorgeous Georgina also models her own bras and seriously rocks them!!

Sophia Jenner write fabulously indepth product reviews. She specializes in small backs, large cups, is a tireless Breast Cancer Research supporter and an absolutely gorgeous model of her lingerie loves!
Thin and Curvy is a US blog specializing in the trials and triumphs of being, well, thin and curvy! Brittney reviews bras, clothes and styles for slender women with great boobs!
Cups and Measures is a Canadian blog reviewing bras of all sizes but specializing in bigger sizes. It's so great having another Canadian bra blogger (at this point I have to give a special shout-out to Swimwear and Lingerie blogger Maggie, a fellow Cannuck, who blogs tirelessly about the Lingerie Industry).
Braless in Brasil is simply a joy to read. Blogger June is an American living in Brasil and searching for the perfect bra as she continues to improve her fitness. Her product reviews and fearless honesty are compelling!
The Full Figured Chest is written by the wonderful Holly Jackson (who also writes for Butterfly Collection once a month!) Holly is a full busted lady who reviews bras, brands, designers and boutiques. She is funny, warm and passionate - a great read!
StackDD is a US blog written by the gorgeous Sarah who is on the search for fabulous D+ bras. She has amazing product reviews and style tips. Sarah did a phenomenal review of our Skype fittings this week too!

Bra-none is a big busted dream because the lovely Sia reviews where you can find the best big bras online and what to buy once you're there! 
This is a pretty new blog to me but from the few reviews I've read I love the style! Focused on bra reviews this is a brutally honest but fair commentary on big bras. Definitely worth checking out.

Curveissa is a new blog that has already got my attention big time! Tina writes about finding bras and clothes that are great for a professional woman. This is a particularly important subject because finding tailored clothing for big boobs is tough.

Undercover Lingerista is the home of wonderful bra reviews from the genuinely lovely Kitty. She is a champion of 28 backs and reviewer of busty sleepwear and fashion.

I feel so fortunate to be part of this Big Bust Brigade, a fabulous bunch of ladies working to make life, fashion and bras better for women everywhere! xx