
Friday, October 28, 2011

Guest Post: Big Boobs, Meet White Shirt

Butterfly Collection customers know that when they're in the right bra their clothes look 10 times better. However, there are still some fashion frustrations for the big busted woman, namely the button down shirt. In my personal search for the classic and supremely versatile white shirt I found Darlene at Campbell and Kate and asked her to share with us her vision and solution to make big boobs and the white shirt friends again. Not only is she writing her story for us, she's also offering you all 15% off her timeless white shirt design with the code WHITESHIRTBUTTERFLY (offer ends Nov 15th 2011). Thank you Darlene!!

The Lure of the White Shirt
Does this scenario sound familiar? You’re browsing the racks of a cute little boutique and find a gorgeous white shirt that would fill a giant hole in your closet. You imagine all the looks you could create with it; tucked into a pencil skirt, over jeans, under a cute jacket - heaven! 
Before you know it you’re in the dressing room sliding it on. It fits over your shoulders perfectly, you start buttoning up and find it fits your waist perfectly too, not too tight, not too loose. Your hopes climb. Then you reach the button at your chest and it fastens but just barely. Instead of filling a gap in your closet, the shirt literally creates one.  

The Busty Girl's Makeshift Solutions
Traditionally you had three options when the inevitable button gaping happened:

1) Return it to the rack and focus on knits and bottoms instead
2) Resort to using yet another safety pin

3) Ask the sales assistant for a larger size

Until recently, these were the only options available to us but as more stores like Butterfly Collection focus on fit for full-busted women our options are increasing. My company, Campbell & Kate, creates clothing to wear over great fitting full bust bras and specializes in the classic white shirt.  

The Answer to Boobs meet Buttons
I began this venture because I was the woman browsing the boutique racks a few too many futile times. The Campbell & Kate Signature Shirt includes everything I wanted: 
  • No straining at the bust
  • A waistline visible from the front and back
  • Shoulder seams within a half inch of the shoulders and not halfway down the arms
  • Buttons all the way up to the collar stay
  • High quality fabric
  • Menswear-level tailoring

It took a long time to develop the Signature Shirt, and there were times I wondered if I should leave the job to custom shirt-makers. Thanks to the Kate in “Campbell & Kate” I kept going and when I finally tried on my own Signature Shirt in size 14L I felt everything I’d wanted to feel in those boutique dressing rooms!

I’ve been wearing my Signature Shirt for a year now, and I still smile when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. It’s crisp and smart, and it fills a giant gap in my wardrobe. 

About the Author
Darlene is a founder of Campbell & Kate, a New York-based clothing company that ships iconic white shirts across the globe to women who wear a bra cup size D-H and dress size 4-14 (soon to be 2-16). The classic white shirt is the first of the line to launch with other colors to follow.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

5 Things You May Not Know About Bras & Boobs

1. Have at least 3 everyday bras
My Mum’s tried and tested phrase is “one to wear, one to wash and one to air” and it turns out she’s right. The elastic in your bra is what keeps your girls comfortable and perky (check out fellow Canadian, Maggie's article about the story of elastic at Swimwear Lingerie). The elastic heats up as you wear your bra and the heat stretches out the elastic. It takes over 24 hours for the elastic in your bra to return to its shortest form (and therefore most supportive). The elastic will eventually stretch to the point where it can’t bounce back which is why bras don’t live forever. 
Make-Shift Lingerie Detergent
You probably know that hand washing your lingerie will make it last longer (this is because you avoid the heat of your washer and dryer which eats the elastic). If you run out of lingerie detergent a great alternative is baby shampoo – strange but true! Try Johnsons & Johnsons Baby Shampoo for under $6!

Raise your Endorphins with Something Special
When you like the way you look or feel it raises your endorphin levels (the happy chemicals released by the brain). You should have at least one lingerie set that makes you feel totally gorgeous. Try wearing it on an average day and see if you feel the extra thrill that comes from a layer of luxury!

Take Off Your Bra!
This is a case of use it or lose it! The ligaments in your boobs can get lazy if they are constantly supported by your bra. At the other end of the spectrum if you don’t support them they stretch out prematurely. NOT wearing a bra for at least 7 hours a day gives these ligaments a bit of a workout so they don’t become dormant meaning your boobs stay away from your knees for longer! For the best boob health, try not wearing a bra for a couple of hours before you go to bed. 

Stretch it out and Build it up
One of the few things you can do to retain the shape of your bust is to keep the muscles in your chest supple and strong. This doesn’t mean you have to become a gym-junkie overnight. Stretching is one of the best and easiest ways to keep your upper body strong. Stretch your arms over your head, behind your back and in-front of you every day holding each pose for 60 seconds and this will help to you’re your chest muscles active. 

I hope a few of these tips help you get the most out of your lingerie. If you have a great tip for making your bras live longer or keeping the girls happy then tell us about it in the comments! xx

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why are Women Afraid to Break the D-Cup Barrier?

Ask a big busted woman wearing a comfortable, correctly fitting bra if she cares about her cup size and she'll probably laugh. When you have a bust that needs daily support being in the right size bra is essential. So why are so many women afraid to feel the joy of a correctly fitting bra simply because that bra has a cup size over a D?

The fear of being a D+ cup size stems from a lack of education around bras. We've been brought up to believe that A-D are the regulation bust sizes - anything above that is excessive, unnecessary and probably pornographic. This dogma is so ingrained in society that it's almost impossible to find D+ bras on the high street (Victoria's Secret, La Senza etc all stop at a DD). What does that say to you when you're a busty teenager trying to shop for your 30G boobs? "You're a freak, you don't fit in, you need to conform."

In an effort to keep the status quo but accommodate some of these unforeseen big busted gals, bra manufacturers began making DD then DDD bras. Now I don't know who thought having a bra size called triple D was easier than saying F cup but that guy was smoking something funky. Why was it such a problem to use the rest of the alphabet? The introduction of DD and DDD sizes came in the 1950s when boobs were still something to keep under lock and key. I can only assume that to call these oversized bazoomas E and F would have caused men to spontaneously combust so it was just safer to stay in the D-zone. Women have been brain-washed into thinking that big boobs are for wanton women and that stigma stays with us today.

I'm afraid some women are not helping in quashing this man-made stereotype either (the letter system was introduced by a man). The number of times women have commented how fake my boobs are to her husband in not so hushed tonesnever fails to amaze me. I was particularly saddened the other day when I read on a forum a 19 year old asking for help finding bras in a G cup. The comments ranged from catty to down right offensive and I can only assume that those women lack a great deal of self-confidence so have to bring others down.

It's time for us to reclaim the rest of the alphabet and recognize that cup letters are proportional to our body size. I think the photo below from Brittany at Thin and Curvy, shows that your band size has everything to do with proportionality.

Being proud of your body and knowing how to dress it well starts with wearing the right bra size. It is quite literally the foundation of your style and confidence. If you know you are languishing in a giant-banded D cup bra simply because you have D+ fear I invite you to call us and let us help you find your real size 1-888-225-0474 or use our Bra Size Calculator to find your best starting point. Living your life in the right bra is a liberating experience. xx

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Easy Guide to Self Breast Exams

Continuing our tips on keeping your breasts healthy all year round we look at self breast exams. This simple, free, at-home technique has saved thousands of lives. Over 90% of women who detect their breast cancer early, survive so it's worth adding this 10 minute routine to your life. Teaching our daughters the importance of this exam will instill a healthy and potentially life-saving habit in them. If you need convincing watch this video.

You may have heard conflicting views on self exams and that stems from concerns that women don't know what they're feeling for so the first lump they feel frightens them and they get too scared to visit the doctor. This is why it's so important to KNOW YOUR BOOBS! By really exploring your breast tissue and asking your doctor for advice on what to look for you can learn which parts of your breasts are just bumpy and which bits need investigation.

The top 3 things to remember when doing a self breast exam are:
  1. Do it at the same time every 2-3 months so your breasts are at the same point in your cycle. 1 week after your period ends is best because any water retention and swelling will have gone.
  2. Lie down so that you're not working against gravity and you can work around the whole breast easily.
  3. Know that boobs are bumpy! Becoming familiar with the architecture of your boobs will tell you that they're made up of lots of bumps. Knowing which bumps are you and which are new is what saves lives.
I think this video simplifies the process and explains what to do Click Here to View. Lisa Masterson from The Doctors also talks about her personal breast cancer story on The Talk:

Self breast exams are a great tool for early detection but there are other signs you can keep a look out for:
* Swelling, warmth, or redness in the breast
* Changes in size and shape of the breasts
* Puckering or retraction of the skin or nipple/new nipple inverstion
* Nipple discharge, especially bloody
* Itchy, scaly rash on the nipple
* Skin dimpling (like an orange peel)
* A lump under the arm/lymph node
* Pain associated with one spot, which doesn’t go away
* Sore, swollen, inflamed breast (a sign of rare inflammatory breast cancer)

Doing self breast exams should be a natural part of being a girl like needing rather than simply wanting shoes and buying chocolate in times of disaster. xx

Monday, October 3, 2011

5 Things You Can Do to Fight Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness Month has grown year after year to become an international event raising millions of dollars and awareness. While this is a huge success there is a problem with the recurrence of BCAM - it raises the question "why haven't we found a cure yet?" Some women still believe that no matter what you do if you're diagnosed with cancer, that's the end. While it's important to look forward and raise money it's also vital to establish how far we've come in the fight against breast cancer so we recognize how important it is to continue the fight.
So why isn't there a Cure?
Renowned Canadian scientist Dr. Tak Mak explains that because there are so many different genetic and cell combinations that cause breast cancer there is no one treatment cures all therapy. "It's like a computer where there are, say, 20,000 pieces. In any one patient you can have 50 different pieces go wrong out of the 20,000 but it's a different piece every time." Mapping which parts go wrong is a huge part of finding cures. Breast Cancer used to be one big generic term, today doctors know how to identify types of cancer and which course of treatment is best for that particular strain. 

How do we know we're making progress?
1) Since 1999, the incidence of breast cancer in Canada has stabilized.
2) Female breast cancer mortality rate decreased from 21.8 per 100,000 in 2009 to 21.4 per 100,000 in 2010.
3) In 1986, the Canadian breast cancer mortality rate was 32 per 100,000. This rate has fallen by more than 30% and is currently the lowest it has been since 1950.
4) At present, the five-year relative survival rate for female breast cancer in Canada is 87% (84% for men) which means women diagnosed with breast cancer have an 87% likelihood of being alive 5 years after their diagnosis.

Source: Canadian Cancer Society /National Cancer Institute of Canada. Canadian Cancer Statistics 2010, Toronto, Canada, 2010

What are the reasons for higher survival rates?
1) Screening - One of the biggest advances in the fight against breast cancer is screening for early detection. Catching breast cancer early is the greatest weapon. If you are a healthy woman over 40 with no history of breast cancer in your family it is a great idea to have a mammogram every 1-2 years. You can visit (Canadian Association of Radiologists) Mammography Accreditation Program; to find a CAR-accredited site.

2) Research and Treatments - To develop effective treatments doctors have to be able to establish the cause and this is the time consuming part of developing a cure. It's not too long ago that all breast cancers were diagnosed and treated in the same way. Today there are distinct types of breast cancer with recognized sub-sects that can be identified and treated accordingly. Dr. Tak Mak, molecular biologist and director of The Campbell family for Breast Cancer Research at Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital, says "In the last 20 years we are developing drugs that are more targeted and that can kill fewer normal cells and more cancer cells." More targeted treatments have fewer unnecessary side-effects.

3) Education - Before the treatments and knowledge that we have now, being diagnosed with breast cancer was a foregone conclusion. People didn't talk about it and just faced the inevitable. Today we know that having the education to understand your body and live a healthy lifestyle are your greatest defenses against breast cancer. Here are 5 things you can do in the fight against this disease:
  • Learn how to perform a self breast exam (I will be posting about this on Wednesday)
  • Know your family history - find out about the breast history of your family members
  • Eat well and exercise - include berries and dark green vegetables in your diet (I will be posting about cancer fighting alkaline foods next week)
  • Get to know your doctor - a great doctor will help you understand your body, what changes to look out for, what changes you could make in other areas (blood pressure for example) that will improve your overall health and if and when you should be making a mammogram appointment
  • Donate to Breast Cancer Research. Every dollar really does bring us a step closer to keeping our Moms, daughters, aunts, nieces and grandmothers safe.
I hope you feel inspired and optimistic that even though we don't have all the cures yet, the journey is saving lives every day. With love from two generations of survivors xx